

By Commissioning me, you agree to the all of the following:


  • Do not re-sell, steal, trace, or claim my art as your own

  • Do not use my art to be hateful/rude to anyone

  • You have a limit of three idea changes BEFORE I start the sketch! Please do not change your mind multiple times, it really discourages me from working with you

  • You cannot completely change your idea once I have started sketching.

Refund Policy:

  • Refunds are only applicable if I have failed to complete the client's commission in a 4 month period time.

  • Models are an exception to the 4 month rule, as they require a lot more time, I will personally give you estimated dates of arrival.

  • Please tell me if you have a deadline before I start on the commission.

Commission Process:

  • You may reach out to me via Twitter dms (@bitzibat), VGen(BitziBat), or Kofi (@BitziBat)

  • Once you have reached out for a commission, in your message please be as detailed as you can be about what you would like! Send refrences, pose refs, outfit refs, background refs, anything helpful! ^ - ^

  • I will give you a price and you may decide to either pay half upfront or full (this applies to anything $40 or above).

  • You will typically be given a chance to revise the sketch, flat colors + line art and then the final rendering. This can vary depending on how complex of a comm it is.

  • Please do not bombard me with messages, asking if your comm is done or not or being worked on every day/every other day. I will 100% give you updates, and I do not mind being asked for updates, but please keep it reasonable ^^ <3

Legal Use:

  • I have the right to decline any commission

  • I have the right to use your commission to advertise my comms to other clients and on social media, with credit of course! (UNLESS- you tell me to keep it confidential, I have no problem, just let me know before I start!)

  • You may not use your commission for commercial use (Twitch emotes/merch..etc) unless you pay the commercial fee!

  • You may not completely change the commission or edit it; you may slightly change/ add on to a model or if you have paid the commercial fee.

  • Please do credit me as the artist in your posts, you may also credit me in your bios if you'd like!